I thought you always could personally but I have rather bad eyesight and I have my quest window . You can change text size in the game yes. This will increase more than the objective frame font. The font size of the objective tracker is the default ElvUI font in media. Is there a way to change the power text to update every frame so that it . in ElvUI config, then its just the right size, but i would love to see quest. We can finally thank Bunny67 for "Backporting" ElvUI for us Wrath of the Lich. Mini frame assigned to "UIParent" frame - visible with addons like "elvui". Fixed: "Radio" sound, "ON" checkbox, "Sequence" and "Size" values. When you open window with text (dialogue, quest, book, etc.). In that menu you click the Media Tab, click the Misc Texts and go to Gossip/Quest Frame Texts to increase or adjust the font size. There's another add on called Elvui Shadow and Light that extends customization to your UI. State (Entering/Leaving Combat) on Floating Combat Text, without showing damage taken and such?. only when i change the world text scale work fine. you to read very small text on icons to ascertain which DoTs are expiring, or which cooldowns are about to come up. I usually use the full-size Blizzard-style ElvUI options, but on a smaller screen. Today I was switching between characters and noticed that my text fonts were different for my tool tip, objective frame, and even. I have Elvui/Bartender/Quartz/Grid/Clique. on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Need to increase Quest font Text size". map was integrated with the Quest Log to create a single UI element for . In addition, addons can relay important information via text chat. The UI scale setup adjusts the scale and size of UI elements to better fit on your screen. Setup and configuration guide for Elv User Interface (ElvUI) version. which parts of the UI you want to be covered by elvui, and which not. im not sure if that actually increases the size of quest text but it really ought to. I have bad eyesight and make it really hard to read the quest texts, any. I find the quest log font size to be too small to read comfortably. Is there a way to enlarge ur chat text size in elvui I just feel that its a bit to small :S.